Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Friendship Poem

Everyone should have
a friend like you
You are so much fun to be with
And you are such a good person
You crack me up with laughter
And touch my heart with your kindness
You have a wonderful ability
To know when to offer advice
And when to sit in quiet support
Time after time
You've come to my rescue
And brightened so many
Of my routine days
And time after time
I've realized how fortunate
I am that my life includes you
I really do believe that
Everybody should have a friend like you
But so far it looks like
You are one of a kind!
(my version)
your my friend and I am yours
we laugh, cry, and yell at each others
you know my secrets and I cherish yours
only you know my deep feelings about what I look through my eyes
best friends is not the word to define our bond we have
best friends, sisters, god_angels not even them words can define what we call each other
I really like the poem because it is plain and simple but also kind of powerful in away to me. The poem gets to the point tells all of what a good and also real friendship is.
The poem means to me well it really shows me a certain type of bond that I have with my best friend so I can really relate to the poem.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Huck Finn Essay Exam (1-23)

A moral dilemma Huck had faced was the situation where he had faked his own death. Huck was basically tired of the way he was being treated at his pap's so Huck took the matter into his own hands. Wanting to get away from it all that he knew Pap, Widow Douglas. Huck had but the cleverness of what inside of him get the best of the side of his outside so he staged his death and made it so that nobody could find his body while he escaped. Off away on a raft to Jackson Island.

My decision if I was Huck's shoes would be the same escape. So I argued both for his favor and against it. My reason for my standing in this particular placement of judgement is because escaping was the right thing to do in my own mind I was not being treated like a human being I would have left. But for his death of course it would leaves people who had nothing to do with his decision who are victims to be left as suspects to be blamed.

Since my decision is to argue both for and against Huck my evidence will in this case support would be how during the beginning of the book when Huck had faked his death then ran off, then he ran right into Jim who was also on the run. Jim was a person on default. People had placed out wanted signs having Jim's picture on their saying wanted for murder. It was wrong because while Huck was running off he didn't think ahead and think if he leave would there be any people to blame or will people be looking at each others wondering who killed Huck. A right way on Huck's behave would be he gotten away from the verbal abuse possibly physical from his father better known as Pap.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Huck Finn Reader Response #3 (Ch 14-18)

In the Grangerford’s house what impressed Huck was how the family was more loving then he had ever seen. In Huck’s family well the who he lives with that type of family togetherness bond Huck has not experienced before. People in the house were all kind and sweet especially on how they took a complete stranger into their home and welcome him as if he was in the family. Also the family has a security with each other so that harm won’t come near .The death of Emmeline Grangerford had put an impression on Huck how the family would on her birthday every year they would place flowers on her picture to show their love to her. “Why bless you, Saul, the poor thing’s as wet as he can be; and don’t you reckon I may be he’s hungry?” (Ch 17, par 5, page 73)

Seeing the books in the house has gave him a better perspectives on education at first Huck had felt that you don’t need an education and that it is just a waste of time. The books had made Huck read them and want to know more about them. By the books being stacked up all nice and perfect that’s what made then catches Huck’s eyes. To me I feel that Mark Twain’s view on education was very high and that maybe he might feel that by having an education it can take you further in the future. Huck feeling change and that he is starting to believe that if you have an education then you can have the better hand you can get more valuable things in life such as a nice house and cars. “They had pictures hung on the walls-mainly Washington’s and Lafayette’s, and battles, and Highland Mary’s, and one called “Singing the Declaration”.” (Ch 17, par 3, page 76)

Huck looking through all the poems and pictures in the scrapbook he can see that Emmeline was obsessed with death. The uniqueness in them pictures were how they were all black every single color in the pictures were black neither type nor sense of happiness. The painting is what has caught Huck’s eye how the picture shows a girl on the edge of a cliff with three arms one set pointing up towards the sky and one set pointing out and the last set is pointing down. Mark Twain describe this picture so specifically because I’m guessing that it’s all about choices that you have to make during life whether you choose god, your self, or others. “It was a mighty nice family, and a mighty nice house, too. I hadn’t seen no house out in the country before that was so nice and had so much style.” (Ch 17, par 5, page 75)